Columbia International Festival
Saturday, April 5 @ 10:00 am - 7:00 pm
The Columbia International Festival showcases the music, culture, food and performing arts of the various cultures, nationalities, races and language groups represented in South Carolina. The event brings all of the area’s international communities together to build better community/race relations between various ethnic/cultural/language groups and with the South Carolina community at large.
Learn about the cultural heritages of more than 80 countries displayed by their foreign-born hosts through pictures, artifacts, and many other items.
International Food Court (Saturday & Sunday)
Sample the exotic flavors of foreign cuisines from around the world. You’ll come back for more!
Cultural Entertainment
Throughout each festival day, groups representing many countries will delight you with staged performances of their national dances.
International Fashion Show
Enjoy this show of the traditional costumes / clothing from around the world. Adult fashion show on Saturday at 4 pm: Children’s fashion show on Sunday at 4 pm
International Bazaar
Shop the many booths for authentic clothing, crafts, jewelry, and souvenirs imported from around the world.
Cultural Demonstrations
Learn how to do something new, like origami, use chopsticks, write in another script, play other cultural games, say Hello, Thank You, Good-bye, or count in another language.
Parade of Nations
Traditionally dressed representatives from nearly 100 countries proudly present their home country’s flag at the 2 p.m. Saturday parade.