
How to Stay Informed and Prepared When Traveling During Hurricane Season in South Carolina

October 1, 2024

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Hurricane Season in South Carolina: June 1 – November 30

How to Stay Informed and Prepared When Traveling During Hurricane Season in South Carolina

Essential Resources for Visitors and Residents During Severe Weather

Hurricane season in South Carolina runs from June to November, and if you’re traveling to the Capital City/Lake Murray Country region during this time, staying informed is crucial. While we’re not the primary source for emergency updates, we will share important information from trusted sources on our social media channels, website, and phone system.

Stay Informed During Your Visit

Whether you’re here for a short stay or an extended visit, it’s important to be aware of potential severe weather, such as emergency alerts, event cancellations, and attraction closures/openings. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter/X, and LinkedIn for the latest updates affecting the Lake Murray Country Region. 

If the Visitors Center must close, please visit our website for information on accommodations, attractions, and local activities to help you adjust your travel plans accordingly.

Trusted Resources for Emergency Information

For specific emergency information, travelers should rely on official sources. Here are some key resources to monitor:

County Information for Local Alerts

Municipal Information for Travelers
If you’re staying in or around one of these cities or towns, check local government sites for important updates:

Lake Murray, the Dam, and Electricity

For information about Lake Murray and the dam during severe weather, visit Dominion Energy’s website or Facebook page. They will provide updates on service impacts, safety measures, and what to expect if you’re staying in the area.

Planning Ahead for Your Visit

If you’re traveling to the region, it’s essential to have a backup plan for accommodations and activities in case of severe weather. Many attractions and events may be rescheduled or canceled, so be sure to check online before venturing out. Our website is a great resource for finding alternative indoor activities or discovering alternative accommodations.

Hurricane Travel Safety Tips

Thankfully, weather forecasting technology can predict hurricanes and intense storms well in advance. During a hurricane or tropical storm, it’s best to remain on high ground or in an upper-floor room without windows. If you are outside, avoid standing under or near trees, as branches and debris will inevitably fall.

When driving, it’s important to turn around on flooded roads as the water depth can be deeper than anticipated. It’s also advisable to only drive during daylight for optimal visibility.

It’s also a good idea to familiarize yourself with your hotel or resort’s storm policy and evacuation procedures.

While we aim to keep visitors informed, it’s critical to rely on official sources for emergency alerts and guidance such as trusted news sources. Stay safe, stay informed, and let us help you make the most of your time in Lake Murray Country—even during hurricane season. Visit the Lake Murray Country Visitors Center at 2184 North Lake Drive in Columbia, or call us at (803) 781-5940.