
Lexington County Museum

231 Fox Street
Lexington, SC 29072
(803) 359-8369

Founded in 1970, the Lexington County Museum is a 7-acre complex with 30 historic structures. The museum interprets everyday life in Lexington County from ca. 1770 to the start of the Civil War. Among others, buildings on the site include the ca. 1832 John Fox House, a 10-room home depicting life in the 1850s; the 1771 Lawrence Corley Log House, the oldest building in the town of Lexington; the 1850 Wadlington Pigeonaire and numerous outbuidings. The museum features a large collection of locally-made artifacts such as historic quilts, firearms, furniture, and pottery.Costumed guides lead visitors on one-hour tours through many of the historic structures.

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